A meeting was held between the head of Rosmorrechflot and the management of LLC InterRegionConstruction
At the meeting, the head of Rosmorrechflot, Andrey Tarasenko, and the President of the All-Russian Public Movement RUSSIA IS OUR HOME, Alexey Logachev, discussed the issue of establishing sports clubs and sections based in educational institutions.
The meeting was also attended by representatives of InterRegionConstruction.
The parties discussed the possibility of creating additional sections on the basis of educational institutions, which would expand the choice of sports for students.
This will increase the number of activities aimed at enhancing the role of physical education and sports in personal development and promoting a healthy lifestyle among young people.
It is planned that the first sports sections will start working in the coming months, and anyone interested will be able to join the activities.
The All-Russian Public Movement RUSSIA IS OUR HOME implements social projects in Russia. The main focus of the projects is the preservation and popularization of traditional values and support of the younger generation.